
Each of my services come with certain deliverables - these are all the deliverables I offer. If you're still curious, contact me directly!
Sample Edit
A sample edit is exactly what it says on the box - a sample edit of the first few pages of your novel. After you give me the full text of your manuscript, I will edit the first few pages of your novel with Track Changes turned on and with comments in the margins, just like I would for any novel. Then I will return those few pages to you with a brief memo letter summarizing my edits and what services I would recommend for that story.
The purpose of a sample edit is two-fold: first, it allows me to take a quick look at the manuscript to see where it's at. Second, and more importantly, it allows you to evaluate my work before a contract is ever produced.
This sample edit will give you a good idea of my style, the way I think, and the way I interact with your story. If you like my work, then that's an indicator that we will work well together and that I'm a good fit for your novel. If you think I missed the mark, no worries! Sample edits are not binding in any way.
An annotated manuscript is what most people think of when they think of editors. It's a Word document with modifications, errors, and comments visible through Track Changes and comment bubbles in the margins.
The annotated manuscript shows you my thought process during my reads, identifying potential issues and existing successes within your story as they happen.
An annotated manuscript comes with each service.
Book Map
A book map is a tool that condenses your story's action, characters, structure, or any other story element into a sortable, filter-able Excel spreadsheet. It lets you visually track the development of those elements from a birds-eye point of view.
A book map is most helpful in identifying problems with pacing, worldbuilding, theme, and character development; elements that show up in multiple places throughout the course of a novel and change as the story progresses.
A book map is only available for Developmental Edits and is not available as an add-on service for Manuscript Evaluations or Beta-Reading.
A consultation is an hour-long meeting via video conference or a phone call. The purpose of a consultation is up to you, the writer.
Are you confused by some of the advice in your other deliverables, like the letter or book map? We can consult about that.
Are you stuck on a particular scene and have no idea about where to go next or what needs to happen? We can consult about that.
Do you have writer's block and want to spitball ideas with me? We can consult about that.
Do you have a case of impostor syndrome or are starting to lose faith and need some encouragement? We can consult about that, too!
Developmental edits come with 2 consultations. Manuscript evaluations include 1. Beta-reading does not come with a consultation. Any consultations outside of those included are billed individually at an hourly rate of $60/hour.
Cover Letter
A cover letter expresses my reactions to the text as a well-informed and observant reader, as well as my evaluation of the story's strengths and weaknesses. I may offer resources and the option for further consultation, but no concrete solutions will be provided in the cover letter.
A cover letter of 5-6 pages is included with Manuscript Evaluations. A cover letter of 1-3 pages is included with Beta-Reading.
These letters are intended for novels that are closer to the publishing stage than the drafting stage. For a description of the editorial letter included with the Developmental Services, see the "Editorial Letter" entry below.
Editorial Letter
This letter, often 15 pages long or more, is a formal analysis of your manuscript. It explains the strengths and opportunities within your story and can offer anything from practical suggestions to writing exercises to possible solutions to ample encouragement.
The editorial letter is the most important aspect of a developmental edit; it ties the annotated manuscript and book map's commentary and findings into a cohesive message that addresses the story's needs.
This letter is included with Developmental Edits only. For the cover letter included with the Manuscript Evaluation and Beta-Reading services, see the "Cover Letter" entry above.
Email Support
Email support is the amount of time I will spend corresponding, researching questions, and collecting information for you after the deliverables for your story have been given to you.
You can use email support to ask for clarification or examples of solutions mentioned in the editorial letter or annotated manuscript. You can ask me to provide resources regarding publishing. You can ask me questions about the craft of writing, where you can learn more, or how you can practice and get better. You can ask me for encouragement during writer's block and impostor syndrome attacks.
Every service comes with a certain number of hours of email support. Developmental edits come with 6 hours, Manuscript Evaluations come with 2, and Beta-Reading comes with 1. Additional hours of email support will be billed separately at my hourly rate of $60/hour.
Post-Edit Consultation
A post-edit consultation is a special kind of consultation. If a consultation is a video conference where you, the author, ask me, the editor, lots of questions, then a post-edit consultation is the opposite.
A post-edit consultation is a brief (30-60 minute) video conference or phone call where I ask you any lingering questions I still have about your story, vision, intentions, etc. AFTER I've read your novel in its entirety. I like to do this consultation before I start creating any hard-copy deliverables (like letters, annotated manuscripts, etc.) so that I clearly understand your vision and intentions before giving any guidance or analysis.
One post-edit consultation comes standard with Developmental Edits and Manuscript Evaluations. Standard beta-reading does not include a post-edit consultation.